Tuesday, May 03, 2011

The One Thousand Crane Project - Wish #6

Quite a while ago now, I started my "Wish a Day" project, and not long after, daunted by the daily requirement I had set myself, it was cast aside.

I'm now ready to pick it up again.  No longer in a daily format, but trying to create something regularly until I reach 1000 cranes.

Today's wish: May your imagination always be ripe and may it always bring you joy.

Today's paper: Taken from a drawing that the little one and I did yesterday that inspired today's wish.

The little one and I sat down to do some drawing.  With crayons in hand I decided to draw a story, one of the house we'd like to have one day.  We (I) drew a house with a red door.  I drew our little family.  She gestured that daddy had to be wearing a hat, and she and I hairclips in our hair and then hats on top.  We drew the pet dog we'd like to have and then she suggested a pet purple elephant as well, because every family needs a pet purple elephant of course.  We drew trees and grass, a strawberry patch and flowers.  And from the tree hung a swing.

The little one loved the swing and gestured that she was going to do something.  I didn't quite understand until she promptly sat on the drawing where the swing was and pretended she was flying back and forth on it.  With a little suggestion she picked the strawberries and they were declared delicious.  She smelt the flowers and patted the dog and elephant.

We played with the drawing for quite a while and mummy was also given a number of goes on the swing while she pushed.  The whole time I loved watching her interact with our little, simple illustration and the wonder and joy that it created in her active mind.

Cranes to date: 35

It's been quite a while, you can see the first cranes and five wishes here;


Anonymous said...

That's such a gorgeous story to go with the crane. How can it possibly NOT come true for you all one day soon!? I just know it will!
I like all the 'gesturing'. So she is still a girl of few words? Sounds very cute.

Baa-Me Kniits said...

I loved this idea of yours and I am so glad to see you have taken it up again :-) You know you have the rest of her life to do this and it is such a lovely way to cherish the memories.

PS did you get my email about the crane? I can send it again if it got lost and no hurry OK :-)

SomedaysSarah said...

Beautiful! Your little one sounds like she has a wonderful imagination!!


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