Sunday, February 05, 2012

Quiet Gallery Day

There's something about working for yourself, working from home... you can get so caught up in everything that needs to be done, that you forget to leave the house.

That's the way it was for me last year.  And truth be told, by the end, I was feeling quite mad and very creatively drained.

giant resin platters by Dinosaur Designs

So this year, I've made a commitment to myself.  Every second Friday, for at least the morning, I'm taking myself out on an "artist date".  If you've ever read Julia Cameron's book "The Artist's Way", you'll know the concept.  The date is a block of time, spent alone to nurture the artist in you.

Old Indian Textiles

This Friday just gone, after a lovely meet up with some fabulous BrisStyle members, I went for a wander around the GoMA.  I found myself just drinking in the colours, textures and patterns. I found my breathing and heartbeat slowing as I listened to my footsteps echo on the wooden floors.

I'm now looking forward to my next date, wondering what will capture my heart on that day.


Chrisy said...

Fabulous idea...i'm always going to do this but forget as 'life' consumes me...thanks for the reminder!

s t E f a N i a said...

hi! I feel just exaclty as you described, so I should make also a weekly art apointment> One of my new years resolutions infact is "more art". Must read the book you mentioned :-)


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