Saturday, June 12, 2010


Not much crafting happened today, but I did get a few moments to do a bit of a tidy up of the space, and to take some photos of some fabric for a custom-ordered kimono crane.

I had a good giggle reading this post. My own "Craft Widower" has decided that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em and had me take him to the bead shop the other day. He's now stocked up on jump rings to start playing with some chainmaille designs.

This post really spoke to me as I crave more creative time but feel guilty about the lack of balance with other things in my life. I'm trying to learn to let go of certain things and accept the fact that I really can't do everything. At the same time am desperate to reconnect with friendships dear to my heart that I have neglected while The Man has been ill.

On that note, a new mantra that I should try to live by.

This week I dropped by In.cube8r and Kazuyo's Collection to restock. I've also relisted some things in my Etsy store, now with a $US adjustment and a sale on some items.

And finally tomorrow, if the planets align and The Man gets home from his daily clinic appointment early enough, we're going to take a little family trip down to the Boutique Markets where I'll get to be a shopper for once.


BumbleVee said...

it'll always be the same....just too much to have and too little time to try it all...... just keep on doing what you love.... and loving what you do....

BumbleVee said...

meant to say.... "too much fun to have" and too little time to try it....


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