Tuesday, May 03, 2011

While I'm in Japan... Antique Markets

One of the main reasons I'm heading to Japan, and what I schedule my trip around, are the antique markets.  It is there that I buy my vintage kimono fabric that I use in my jewellery.

The antique markets are held in temple grounds around the country and are such a feast for the eyes.  With a gorgeous backdrop of an old temple or shrine, often the soundtrack of monks chanting in the background and the scent of incense carrying people's prayers to the heavens, it makes the experience even more enjoyable.

As well as gorgeous old kimonos, there are stalls filled with antique toys, painted scrolls, cameras, pottery, candy moulds, kimono pattern stencils, swords and coins. 

It was at one such market that my love and obsession for vintage kimono fabrics first began, and another that I just happened to "coincidentally" plan my Kyoto honeymoon around.

1. Kingyo + Kewpie, 2. Ultraman, 3. Netsuke, 4. Kimono Fabric, 5. Obi, 6. Tsuba, 7. Writing, 8. Astro, 9. Kimono, 10. Japanese Banners, 11. Paddle, 12. Kokeshi, 13. Mon, 14. Hina Dolls, 15. Flowers, 16. Hina Doll

Here's hoping for some lovely blue skies to go with the markets while I'm there!


Jan C. said...

Wish I was with you. I have many beautiful kimonos that a friend got at the temple sales when she and her husband lived in Japan in the 90's. It was my wish to be able to go there to the sale.

Happy Shopping.

OMIYAGE said...

That's my favourite temple market! Very jealous - have a wonderful time!
- Marisa

Jetta's Nest said...

So wishing I could hide away in your suitcase! Just looking at your gorgeous 'scraps' makes me want to see more!

Tracey said...

Sounds amazing ... I bet the markets are incredible.

Baa-Me Kniits said...

Sounds amazing, I wish I was carrying your bags :-)


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