Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Creative Space

There are lots of "should-be-doings" going on in my creative space at the moment... I should be working on my new website.  I should be working on some new designs.  I should be preparing for a trade fair next month... 

Instead, I've been taking a break from all those "shoulds" and thinking about my dream studio space.  No, not that I'll be moving into one anytime soon, but it's certainly fun to visualise.  I picked up some paint swatches the other day and one was called "Teal Goddess".  How can I resist a colour called Teal Goddess?

And I should say that I haven't been completely ignoring all the "shoulds", here's the mock-up for one of my wall for the trade fair.

What's happening in your creative space this week?  To check out some others, Kootoyoo is the place to go.


Lilli boo said...

Melanie, I just love, love, love the colours you are playing with especially 'Teal Goddess'...and your trade fair wall mockup looks fab too :-...) Lil

Melissa G said...

Love the mock up.

Red Hen (dette) said...

I am just about to paint my loungeroom in a colour that is a bit like that teal goddess (well I'm hoping it will, I found a tin of miss tinted paint rediculously cheap and had them throw in a tad more green to make it more teal, so fingers crossed. I've painted my kitchen which opens onto the lounge white in preparation to do the lounge. With only one more week of holidays I'd best get a wiggle on!


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