Sunday, May 03, 2009

Meet My Granny

Last Sunday (yes this post is about a week late), I had a fabulous time at my first Brisbane Brown Owl meeting. It was great to meet a really friendly bunch of girls, a number of whom I've "known" for a while online. Thanks to the very patient Em and an even more patient Sandra who took me through stitch by stitch, I managed to crochet my first every granny square. My first ever crochet anything actually.

Sadly, left on my own the following week, despite being given great print-out instructions from Em, I haven't managed anymore squares. I have been crocheting and really enjoying it, but I don't think there's a word in the English language that describes a square turned roundish that doesn't sit flat but rather ripples up and down. I'm thinking of using that to try my hand at felting for the first time.

If, unlike me, you've found yourself quite apt at the whole granny square thing but you're not quite sure what to do with your new-found talent, here are some suggestions from Lynn Brooks Needlework c. 1970.

Something to keep you warm this coming winter?

Or how about a "sweeping, floor length skirt"?

I have a couple more Brown Owl meetings in me before the little one arrives and I'm looking forward to each and every one.


Chrisy said...

Those vintage patterns are great...I've got a book that has a crocheted sherlock holmes suit, including hat..priceless...

Jenny said...

You did very well for your first ever crochet-soon you'll be churning them out! Love those patterns!

peitseoga said...

scary crochet clothes!!


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