A rare glimpse of my silver bench while it's freshly painted and clean. I'll be working on there tomorrow so its pristine condition won't last, but for tonight, I'm going to gaze lovingly at it...
Wow Mel that is one clean and serene work space. Mine doesn't look like that even when it is tidy. It must be the Japanese calming influence. Happy jewellery making, your work is beautiful, Cathy (Angelwing Jewellery) :-)
Thank you for taking time to comment, I treasure each and everyone one of them. I always reply to them in my head, but must confess, these days it takes me much longer to actually email that reply.
Wow Mel that is one clean and serene work space. Mine doesn't look like that even when it is tidy. It must be the Japanese calming influence. Happy jewellery making, your work is beautiful, Cathy (Angelwing Jewellery) :-)