
Monday, April 08, 2013

Coming Out Of Hiding

Being the introvert that I am, I can at times go into hiding, enjoying some peace from the outside world, both on and offline.  The last couple of months have been about just that and now at the end of it I'm refreshed, ready to embrace the world around me, feeling healthier, inspired and enthused about work.

During the time I've had lots of lovely family time, enjoying our new surroundings...

The little one has taken a real interest in photography, initially using a toy camera but is now excited to have her own, hand-me-down, digital camera.  She had made a structure the other day and before playing with it, got out her camera to document it. 

We've also had a new member join our family.  She was a little nervous on her first day in her new home, but has since taken over the place and is growing so quickly.

I've been taking a few lovely long afternoon walks up my street and just have to pinch myself each time that I get to live here.  Each time I come home I also ask myself the question why I'm not doing that walk daily, so here's to forming a new habit.

It's a real joy to own a garden for the first time.  The man has been getting into the vege garden and planting lots of fruit trees.  I prefer playing with flowers and have been making a lot of trips to the local nurseries.

The new studio continues to be unpacked and set up, but I've started playing with ideas for a new range of formed silver.  This year I hope to add a lot more shape, dimension and colour to my silver work so stay tuned for that...

And then as evenings fall, personal craft projects have been coming out.  The stack of yoyos for my quilt continues to grow...

but as the weather has started to cool down, I felt the urge to pull out some wool and hook again, learning a crocodile stitch for the first time.

Work life is now about to get very busy again with BrisStyle's Destash and Dash market this Friday , wholesale orders to fill, interstate markets booked in for next month and a trade fair not too far to follow, but I hope to keep some of these quiet, cosy moments into my life on a regular basis.


  1. So much goodness here! The view from your walk (stunning), your gorgeous pup...Love that crocodile stitch too - makes me think about trying to crochet again (it's always ended in tears before). And that bowl of beautiful yo-yos! Your quilt is going to be amazing!

    And as a fellow introvert I completely get the need to withdraw every now and again...

  2. What a beautiful world you have created Mel! I bet you have fallen in love with those puppy dog eyes. =)


Thank you for taking time to comment, I treasure each and everyone one of them. I always reply to them in my head, but must confess, these days it takes me much longer to actually email that reply.